Other than than normal day to day, I’ve been working on my website. I’m happy to say that it is back up (well under construction), but I havent “released” it yet because I want it to be the best that I can make it. But If I go by that rule, it will never be released cause everything can always be better, right?? Seriously, I do plan to unveil this glorious site that every will want to vist multiple times a day, everyday. Hopefully we’ll be up and running within the next week or so. Super exited for that. But I do want to talk a little about therapy. I recent ((finally)) decided to make the first step to seeing a therapist.
Now I havent found one yet or anything like that, but I did voice my desire to see one and to me that is progress, and I am proud of myself for that. Baby steps are better than none. I’m exited to get this progress underway and I’ll let you know how that goes. If you are going back and forth about seeing a therapist the same way I was, I suggest you just test the waters. What could it hurt? If you have or are currently seeing a therapist, I’d like to know your story. Anywho, that’s all for now.