Alright, so boom. It’s 2019, all of my superstitions are in tact, my fool proof plan on mega success is done for the new year, and I’ve already cut out everything negative in my life all within these measly 48 hours of 2019’s existence.
Seriously, it’s a new year, so I have to think something, right? First of I feel. I am, blessed. 2018 was a *&*^^)#, but alas, I overcame. But I’m here not to dwell but to foresee. Last year I made a post talking about all of the silly new years goals and resolutions. I’ve never really lived my life like that. I mean honestly, all the crap gets lost and/or forgotten anyway. I more so like to put plans into action. I mean I know what I want, and I know what I have to do. So… I just do…that. Although, I don’t knock anyone that puts their resolutions on paper or strategizes their end goals more strategically than me. In fact, I feel that that way is optimal, in fact. So in a way this is me doing just that, here. Now I’m not going to put down what I really want specifically, Im just acknowledging that I want to do just that, and I have already. Maybe you could do the same. No need to share your resolutions if you don’t want to, but maybe acknowledging them, saying them out loud even, or putting them on paper could be beneficial. I mean it couldn’t hurt.
I look forward to us having a better 2019 than 2018. Not to say 2108 was trash, but 2019 could be better, and it will be